Attendance Guidelines

Attendance at Denver Online is based on submitting work in Schoology. To be counted as present for a class, students must submit the Schoology assignment due in that class that day by midnight. Students who do not submit the assignment due in Schoology (or at least an attempt on the assignment) will be marked absent for that class. Students are highly encouraged to attend Live Learning Sessions in Zoom, but these are not mandatory and do not count for or against attendance for the day.

If a student is unable to complete their assignments due to illness, health condition, family emergency, or participation in a pre-approved school activity a parent or guardian should either excuse the student through their Parent Portal, call the Attendance Line at 720-424-8286, or email to request that the absence be excused. Students are expected to complete the assignments missed as part of their grade. Students need to complete missing coursework to ensure they master the skills and content in their courses.

If you receive a notification that your student was marked absent, please follow directions on How to Check Your Student’s Grades to determine what assignments your student needs to complete. If an assignment is marked “missing” it was not completed by the due date. If an assignment was submitted after the due date, you will see an icon on the submitted assignment type under the “missing” icon. See the directions above for a sample gradebook.

Teachers encourage students to submit their assignments at the end of Live Learning each day to ensure that  work is turned in on time. However, if students need extra time to finish up an assignment, they can complete it after class and submit it before midnight the day it is due. If they submit the assignments that are due each day in Schoology by midnight, they will be marked present. 

When a student has questions about an assignment, they should ask questions during Live Learning or send the teacher a Schoology message right away. Students should complete as much of the assignment as they can complete independently and submit what they have completed the day it is due in Schoology. The teacher will provide feedback and, when necessary, the student can and should revise the assignment and resubmit to raise their grade. Please note that when students submit late work after an absence, their grade is positively impacted, however their attendance is not changed. 

Please review Attendance FAQs for Families- 2024-2025 for additional information on extended time accommodations, extended absences, the 2023-2024 schedule, assignment resubmission, and getting teacher support . If you have questions or concerns about how our attendance policy will impact your student’s personal situation, please reach out.