Attendance Guidelines

En español: Preguntas frecuentes para las familias

How is attendance taken at Denver Online?

Attendance at Denver Online is based on submitting work in Schoology. To be counted as present during Live Learning, students must submit the Schoology assignment(s) due that day. Students who do not submit the assignment due in Schoology (or at least an attempt on the assignment) will be marked absent for that class. 

When is attendance taken?

If you submit the assignments that are due each day in Schoology by midnight, you will be marked present. Your teachers will encourage you to submit your assignments at the end of Live Learning each day. Turning them in during Live Learning ensures that your work is turned in on time. However, if you need extra time to finish up an assignment, you can complete it after class and submit it before midnight the day it is due. 

What if I have to be absent? 

If a student is unable to complete their assignments due to illness, health condition, family emergency, or participation in a pre-approved school activity a parent or guardian should call the Attendance Line at 720-424-8286 to request that the absence be excused. Students are expected to complete the assignments missed as part of their grade. Students need to complete missing coursework to ensure they master the skills and content in their courses.

How do I make up for my work after an absence?

Review the resources posted in the Weekly Folder before completing make up work when you are absent. Teachers post recordings of Live Learning sessions when they are useful for you to see, for example, a lecture. Teachers don’t record or post Live Learning sessions if they will not be helpful for you to review after the fact, for example group work time. If a teacher does not post a recording of Live Learning, they will post other resources or materials that will support you in completing the assignment. 

How does a parent check what work needs to be submitted in Schoology?

Please follow directions on How to Check Your Student’s Grades to determine what assignments your student needs to complete. If an assignment is marked “missing” it was not completed by the due date. If an assignment was submitted after the due date, you will see an icon on the submitted assignment type under the “missing” icon. See the directions above for a sample gradebook.

How can a parent see what period(s) a student was marked absent? 

You can see what period(s) your student was marked absent by checking their attendance in your DPS Parent Portal Account, selecting the correct student at the top right, and clicking “Attendance Detail.” To see the assignment that was not submitted by the deadline, follow the directions above to check your student’s grades in Schoology.

Should I submit an assignment if I have questions about it and am waiting for a teacher to respond?

Yes. Always submit the assignment you are working on. Submit as much of the assignment as you can complete independently. Then your teacher will provide feedback that can help you revise your work, if necessary.  

Can I revise my work after I have turned it in for a higher grade?

Yes, we always encourage students to revise their work and raise their grades! Striving for Growth is one of the Denver Online Six Commitments. We value when students reflect on their work and  revise assignments using teacher feedback. Period 1A (Advisement Work Time) is specifically set aside for weekly reflection and revision. If you have questions about how to resubmit a revised assignment for additional credit, please send a Schoology message to your teacher. Please note that when students submit late work after an absence, their grade is positively impacted, however their attendance is not changed. 

What if I am not able to complete school work for an extended period of time?

If a student has health conditions that are severe enough that they require an extended Leave of Absence during which school work is excused, such as hospitalization or pregnancy, a parent/guardian should contact their counselor. A Leave of Absence must be arranged prior to or at the time of the absence and approved by an administrator.

What if I have questions about an assignment? 

Denver Online teachers do their best to always write clear and specific instructions and provide all necessary resources. However, if a resource is missing or if you have questions or need clarification about directions, send your teacher a Schoology message right away. The sooner you send the message to your teacher, the sooner they can respond. If you don’t notify them when you have a question, there is no way for them to know that you need clarifications, resources, or support.

What if I need help from my teacher?

  1. Review resources (videos, links, articles, examples, etc) within the assignment.
  2. Review resources (slide decks, videos, articles, links, etc) posted in the weekly folder. 
  3. Look back at previous feedback from your teacher.

If you still have questions, send a Schoology message to the teacher of your class explaining your question and the assignment you are referring to. If your question can’t be answered in a Schoology message, you and your teacher will schedule a time to meet that works for both of your schedules.

What is the purpose of Live Learning?

Live Learning is teacher-led whole-class instruction via Zoom. We provide Live Learning because many students appreciate, need, and learn better by attending Live Learning in Zoom.  

Why is the schedule different for Wednesday afternoon?

Wednesday afternoon (Period 1A ,Advisement Work Time) is specifically set aside for weekly reflection and revision. On Wednesday morning students during Advisement, students will be checking their grades and making lists of all missing assignments that need to be submitted. They will also review teacher feedback to determine next steps for work that needs to be revised. Wednesday afternoon students should be following through with the tasks they identified. Through this weekly process, we hope to promote a growth mindset and cycle of continuous improvement.

I have a formal Extended Time accommodation through my IEP or 504 Plan. How is this accommodation honored at Denver Online?

Extended time is inherent in the school model at Denver Online. In addition, for students with formal Extended Time accommodations on their IEP or 504 plan, extended time is granted on competency assignments. For attendance purposes we do require a Schoology submission of some sort in each course, each day. Please speak with your Case Manager, 504 Coordinator or counselor if you are unable to meet the daily submission requirement.

Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns about how my own personal situation will impact my ability to engage at Denver Online?

Please reach out to your counselor to discuss your personal situation. Counselors are based on a student’s last name:

You can also reach out appropriate  members of your support team including: