Category: Community Opportunities/Resources

Save the Date: Colorado Gives Day is Dec. 6

From now until Dec. 6, team members can donate to the Denver Public Schools Foundation through Colorado Gives Day and help amplify initiatives like the A to Z Fund! This past year, the A to Z Fund granted $202,286 worth of direct-to-educator grants. ... Continue Reading

Schools and Families of Multilingual Learners Invited to MLE DAC Meeting on Nov. 16

Schools and families of multilingual learners are invited to attend the Multilingual Education (MLE) Districtwide Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting on Nov. 16 from 5-7 p.m. at Wyatt Academy. Please share this flyer with your families of multilingual learners. At this in-person meeting,... Continue Reading

FREE RTD Services to Vote on Nov. 8th!

RTD Services Available on Election Day To help get people out to vote for this year’s upcoming election, all RTD services including buses and trains will be available at no cost on Tuesday, Nov. 8. After Oct. 31, Coloradans can register to vote,... Continue Reading

Governor Polis Announces Fifth Annual Free Application Days

Megan McDermott (CDHE) |  Conor Cahill (Governor’s office) | Colorado colleges and universities will waive applications fees from Oct. 18-20 DENVER – October, 12, 2022: Today, Governor Polis and the Colorado Department of Higher Education announced the fifth annual Colorado Free Application Days,... Continue Reading

YouthRoots Leadership Opportunity: Apply by Sept. 18th

Sept 18th is the deadline for a life-changing leadership opportunity for students. YouthRoots is a local nonprofit that teaches high school students how to make the world a better place while developing their leadership and life skills through the YouthBoard program.... Continue Reading

14th Annual Backpack Giveaway and Nonprofit Community Resource Fair

If you need school supplies—Please check out: 14th Annual Backpack Giveaway and Nonprofit Community Resource Fair About this Event 14th Annual Backpack Giveaway and Nonprofit Community Resource Fair Denver, CO- The Silva Family Foundation, CoAIMH, and the Denver Latino Commission Present: The 14th Silva Family Foundation’s Annual Community School Supply Giveaway and July 30th,... Continue Reading

Free Meals and Other Summer Opportunities!

DPS Offering Free Summer Meals Program DPS will offer breakfast and lunch this summer at 47 schools across the city. These meals will be offered at no cost to all kids up to 18 years old, whether they are DPS students or not. Adults may purchase a meal as well.... Continue Reading

Honoring and Acknowledging LGBTQAI+ Month

Denver Online wants to wish a Happy Pride Month to our LGBTQ+ community. Over 52 years ago the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights became public at Stonewall Inn in Greenwich, New York. Rulings like the recent Supreme Court case that protect LGBTQ+ workers’ rights shows that the struggle for equality continues.... Continue Reading

DPS Regional Summer School! Sign up by May 27th

It is IN PERSON only, from June 21-July 21, from 8 am – 12, Monday – Thursdays.  After 4 absences, students are removed from the program.  Deadline to sign up is May 27th.  Find more information here!... Continue Reading

Summer Job Opportunity for Students: $16/hour, DPS Facilities

The Facilities Department is looking to hire summer lawn crew employees starting at $16 per hour! The position is open to anyone ages 16 and older. The schedule is Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and the season runs from about June 6-Aug. 12 but can vary based on department needs. ... Continue Reading
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