School Overview

View Denver Online’s Academic Schedule here.

Strong Connections

Asynchronous Course Material

Synchronous Live Learning Sessions



I show up. I bring my authentic self and my ideas. I participate in Live Learning, complete my work and collaborate with others.

  • Student
    • Show up and be present in course activities and live learning.
    • Stay on track by completing one week’s worth of work in each class every week.
    • Prioritize and accomplish multiple projects and responsibilities.
    • Show an openness to learn from and collaborate with others.
  • Staff Member
    • Notice and respond when students are not engaging.
    • Bring authentic self to the classroom and provide students with engaging learning opportunities.
    • Support students in creating optimal schedules to prioritize school work.
    • Recognize student and family backgrounds, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, belief system and language in order to offer the highest level of support.
  • Caring Adult
    • Support students in attending all Live Learning classes and communicate with the school staff when your student is absent.
    • Set aside a work space and protect 30-35 hours per week for the student to complete coursework.

I respond and reach out. I make every effort possible to follow the “24-hour rule”.

  • Student
    • Communicate when life obligations present challenges.
    • Respond within 24 hours.
    • Contribute new ideas.
    • Ask clarifying questions.
  • Staff Member
    • Make every effort to utilize parents’ and students’ preferred methods of communication and language.
    • Adhere to “24-hour” business hour rule when we receive communications.
    • Model and support verbal non-verbal communication skills to best meet the needs of a variety of audiences and situations.
  • Caring Adult
    • Maintain a “24-hour” rule in responding to school team attempts to communicate.
    • Make the school team aware when any changes are made to family contact information.
Follow Through

I do what I say I will do. I create plans and make things happen.

  • Student
    • Create and follow a daily schedule to prioritize your academic success and revise as needed.
    • Follow through on appointments, plans and goals you make with staff and for yourself.
  • Staff Member
    • Keep our word and follow through with students and staff.
    • Provide students with timely feedback on their assignments.
    • Support students in creating a weekly schedule.
  • Caring Adult
    • Utilize the Schoology Parent Account to monitor grades and progress on a weekly basis.
    • Support students in following through with their schedules and plans made with the school team.
    • Attend meetings that are requested by the school team.
Strive for Growth

I take advantage of the opportunities to grow. I apply feedback to constantly improve.

  • Student
    • Use feedback to reflect and revise your work.
    • Push yourself to show growth toward competencies.
    • Explore and develop your passions for your future.
    • Be open to new ideas and learning from different cultural perspectives and experiences.
  • Staff Member
    • Provide actionable feedback in a method that students understand.
    • Own our mistakes and seek to make things right.
    • Reflect on our biases and take actions to create an inclusive environment for all students.
    • Provide instruction and support toward meeting competency.
  • Caring Adult
    • Support students in exploring passions and interests outside the classroom.
    • Support students in creating, monitoring and celebrating academic and personal goals.

I will experience mistakes, failures, and challenges. I deserve the opportunity to bounce back.

  • Student
    • Recognize the challenge involved with learning in this environment and be prepared for things to not go exactly as planned.
    • Consider mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow.
    • Stick with a task even when it’s challenging or when some information may be unknown.
  • Staff Member
    • Provide opportunities for students to stick with tasks even when they are challenging.
    • Provide multiple entry points and paths to success for students to facilitate perseverance.
  • Caring Adult
    • Accept that students will make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward.

I speak up for myself and others. I ask for help. I advocate for social justice to make our community better.

  • Student
    • Speak up for yourself and others.
    • Communicate your needs and aspirations and seek out support to create opportunities.
    • Empathize with the viewpoints of others when working on a problem.
    • Ask for support, resources, assistive technology and translated materials if needed so I can perform to the best of my ability.
  • Staff Member
    • Listen to and accept students’ individuality and advocate for students’ needs.
    • Build opportunities to create a community focused on equity, inclusion, and social justice.
    • Honor students’ cultural background and languages in order to demonstrate that they are critical to making our community stronger.
  • Caring Adult
    • Encourage students to reach out to school team members when they need support.
    • Reach out to school staff when students need academic or social-emotional support.


Mentor Teacher and Advisement Course

A Network of Support


Intervention Supports