Category: Announcements

Happy Spring Break! March 23-April 1st

Hello Students: This message is to remind you that Denver Online will be CLOSED March 23-April 1, 2024. All offices will be closed and staff will be unavailable during this time. Grading and communications will be delayed. Students who are behind in their courses are strongly encouraged to make significant progress during this time so that they return from the break ready to successfully finish the semester!... Continue Reading

Art Show Entries Due by April 24th!

Call for Entries! Exhibit your art in Denver Online’s Annual Art Show: the deadline for submission is April 24th!Please deliver any art that you would like displayed to the Front Office. The school address is 451 South Tejon Street, 80223.If you cannot bring in your work, ... Continue Reading

Improve Grades Over Spring Break: March 25th-April 1st

Dear Denver Online student and parent, Denver Online students are more than half way through the first semester. Please review grades and progress in each course with your student. No grade is final until the end of the semester. This means that students should continue to improve their grades through Sunday,... Continue Reading

School Closed: March 14th and 15th

Hello students and families: Denver Public Schools has announced that all schools, including Denver Online, will be closed on March 14th and 15th, 2024 due to inclement weather. All school functions will be closed and communications delayed until Monday, March 18,... Continue Reading

Tuition-Free College Classes! March 13th meeting

Please see the message below from Counselor Casey Burton, Hello Denver Online Students! Are you Returning to Denver Online next year?  Do you want to take College Classes next Fall?  If you  answered YES to both of those questions, then you should come to the Concurrent Enrollment Fall 2024 Registration Kickoff Meeting on Wednesday,... Continue Reading

DPS Your Voice/Tu Voz survey-Please Complete!

Hello Denver Online Families! This morning, the DPS Your Voice/Tu Voz survey link was sent to your inboxes. This is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, opinions and ideas about Denver Online and Denver Public Schools with our team!... Continue Reading

10th Graders! RSVP now to select your preferred test time for the REQUIRED PSAT 10

Dear Denver Online families, On April 16th our 10th grade students will be participating in the Colorado School Day PSAT 10 testing. These tests focus on college and career readiness, providing valuable insights to improve student outcomes.  Please ensure that your student attends a testing session at the Rishell campus (451 S Tejon St,... Continue Reading

9th Graders! RSVP now to select your preferred test time for the REQUIRED PSAT 9

Dear Denver Online families, On April 15 our 9th-grade students will be participating in the Colorado School Day PSAT 9 testing. These tests focus on college and career readiness, providing valuable insights to improve student outcomes.  Please ensure that your student attends a testing session at the Rishell campus (451 S Tejon St,... Continue Reading

Temple Grandin Equine Center field trip! Feb. 23rd

What: Temple Grandin Equine Center field trip!  See the attachment for more information! Who: High school students only When: Friday, February 23rd. Students need to be at the school building by 9:15am. The bus will leave promptly at 9:30am.  Students will be back to the school building by 12:30pm.... Continue Reading

Denver Online Closed: Friday, Feb. 16th-19th

Hello Denver Online Students and Families! Please forgive my late message. This is a reminder that Denver Online will be CLOSED Friday, February 16 through Monday, February 19, 2024 for team and district professional development and in observance of the President’s Day holiday.... Continue Reading
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