Category: Announcements

Denver Online ELD Teacher, Jennifer White, Chosen as “Living Our DPS Honoree”

Jennifer White was chosen by Denver Public Schools as a “Living Our DPS Honoree,” and was featured in the Team DPS Weekly newsletter, along with homepage of the DPS Staff Website, The Commons. Read her full nomination below. “In the world of education,... Continue Reading

Join Denver Online’s Chess Team!

Please see the below message from Principal Ian Jones. Denver Online Chess Players! Here’s a great opportunity for you to show off your skills! As a request – if you sign up for this, please email me at so that we are aware and you have Denver Online’s support and we can link you with some other students for a Denver Online team!!... Continue Reading

Happy MLK Day!-Monday, Jan. 15th, No School

This is a reminder that Denver Online will be CLOSED on Monday, January 15, 2024 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday! All offices will be closed, communications will be delayed and live sessions will be canceled. We will resume operations on Tuesday,... Continue Reading

Denver Online’s Holiday Needs Drive!

Denver Online has a large at-risk population, with many families struggling to make ends meet in this difficult economy. This food and basic needs drive will help us provide support for our most in-need students and families at Denver Online. We are creating a pantry at our school building that we are looking to stock with non-perishable food and basic need items that can be distributed as needed throughout the year.... Continue Reading

Title 1 Funds-Virtual Informational Meeting: Nov. 29th, 6pm

Denver Online Families, As part of our Title I plan, it is important that I alert you to a meeting regarding our Title I status, programming and activities in which we are engaging and will engage this year. To that end,... Continue Reading

Happy Thanksgiving!

Denver Online will be CLOSED November 20-24, 2023 in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday! This means that all communications and grading will be delayed. All courses will remain open so that students who are working to improve their grades are able to do so as there will only be three weeks before the end of the semester and Winter Break. ... Continue Reading

Denver Online’s Halloween Party! 10/25, 6-8pm

Please be sure to RSVP for our Annual Halloween Party! What: Denver Online’s annual Halloween Party will include lots of activities for students, along with some food and treats! Dress up in your favorite (school appropriate) costume, bring the family, and have some fun!... Continue Reading


We will have a Concurrent Enrollment Information Session on Wednesday, November 1st at 9:30 am in this Zoom Room We’d like to encourage you all to consider taking college classes next Spring. Please read the info in this message and the linked slides,... Continue Reading

Come to Greece with Denver Online! Info Meeting: Sept. 27th, 6pm

Denver Online is Going to Greece! Come hear all the details, including the itinerary, activities, academic opportunities, and the cost of our trip at our upcoming informational meeting on September 27th, 2023, at 6:00 PM. Please click here to register for the meeting Continue Reading

Connection Days! 9/19 (MS), 9/21 (HS)

You’ll be happy to know that our first in-person Connection Days of the year are next week! We are excited to invite students to our Connection Days held on campus! We believe it’s vital for students to feel connected to their learning community.... Continue Reading
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