Category: Announcements

Complete Early Bird Registration Now! Closes May 19th

Please complete ONLINE REGISTRATION now by logging into your Parent Portal account.  **Please note that Registration is different than School Choice.  Every family must complete Online Registration** After you sign in to Parent Portal, click on “See All Apps,” then click on “Online Registration” to complete the process. ... Continue Reading

Check out the Virtual Art Show!

Wow! What a cool virtual experience to walk around a virtual art showroom as your own fun avatar, checking out the amazing artwork created by our talented Denver Online students. While the “LIVE” shows are completed where folks could talk and chat to each other while they walked around,... Continue Reading

No School: 4/28

Students: Please remember that there is no school on Friday, April 28 as this is a preplanned traded day for our staff. There will be no live learning and grading/communications will be delayed. All processes will resume on Monday, May 1,... Continue Reading

Greece trip! Info session April 27th, 6pm

Did you know we are going to Europe this summer? Well, we will be sure to share stories and photos when we get back later this summer.  Next year we are going to Greece! Please attend our informational session if you want to come to Greece next year!... Continue Reading

Take Tuition-Free College Courses Next Fall! May 12th Deadline

Please see the message from Counselor Casey Burton about taking tuition-free college courses (Concurrent Enrollment) next fall! Denver Online High School Students! WANT TO TAKE COLLEGE CLASSES NEXT FALL?? THEN READ THIS!!! We’d like to encourage you all to consider taking college classes next Fall.... Continue Reading

Denver Online End of the Year Celebration + Cap/Gown Pick-Up for Seniors! May 17th

May 17th, 5-7pm RSVP HERE! ... Continue Reading

6th Grade Connection Day: May 1st

Our (rescheduled) 6th Grade Connection is now happening on May 1st, 10am-2pm! Please RSVP HERE if you plan to attend.... Continue Reading

Virtual Info Session about Denver Online’s 2024 Greece Trip with EF Tours!: April 27th, 6pm

Hi families! We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for our upcoming travel opportunity. When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them,... Continue Reading

Denver Online April Newsletter!

Denver-Online-April-Newsletter-2023-compressedDownload... Continue Reading

Mental Health Supports following East HS Trauma

Denver Online Community: Our team and school community is deeply troubled by the events at East High School in which two staff members were injured with a firearm. We are in the process of reviewing our emergency management plan and seeking resources from DPS to continue to keep our students safe.... Continue Reading
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