Category: Announcements

Celebrate Black Culture Event Rescheduled

Due to inclement weather, we will have to reschedule our Celebrate Black Culture Event this evening, and we will have it in the Spring. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused; however, we want to put our families and staff’s safety first.... Continue Reading

Celebrate Black History Event-Learn how to make Samboosa: Feb. 15th, 5-7pm

Good Day All,We hope you and your family will join us at Denver Online to Celebrate Black History; we will be learning how to make traditional Samboosa. The event will be held on February 15th from 5-7pm.We will meet at our Cafeteria at our school building (4250 Shoshone Street,... Continue Reading

February Newsletter

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Denver Online Holiday Party: Feb. 8th

Please Join us for Our Holiday Party on February 8th from 5 PM – 7 PM; we will have delicious food, music, and a white elephant gift exchange. *Please note this event will take place at Field House–1600 Federal Blvd, Denver,... Continue Reading

Denver Art Museum Field Trip: Jan. 27th

Denver Online will go to the Denver Art Museum, and all grades are welcome and invited. Students will be excused from live learning on the Day of our field trip.  January 27, 2023, please arrive at school by 9:30 AM. Pick-up will be from 2:00 PM –... Continue Reading

Happy MLK Day!-Denver Online closed Jan. 16th

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Denver Online will be CLOSED on Monday, January 16, 2023. There will be no live sessions and all communications/grading will be delayed until Tuesday, January 17. For students who have fallen a little behind,... Continue Reading

January Newsletter

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December Newsletter!

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Deadline to submit 1st Semester coursework: Dec. 12th at midnight

Dear Denver Online parents and students, There is just one week remaining for students to raise their grades in first semester courses. The deadline to submit coursework for the first semester is Monday, December 12 at midnight. No extensions will be provided and no ... Continue Reading

Augmented Art Meet Up! Dec. 9th

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