Category: Media Spotlight

Arts and Culture Innovation Award

Link to the article on Denver Arts and Venues Website. This award is presented to the individual or organization that is breaking new ground in the arts and whose contribution to innovation in the arts has been significant in 2016. ... Continue Reading

Educators Come to Colorado for Innovation

Original article on 9News, Reporter: Byron Reed, KUSADate Published: February 23rd, 2017 DENVER – When we think of a traditional art class with smocks and paintbrushes, thinking outside of the box can be helpful. Denver Online High School Art teacher Elisa Narizhanaya did just that.... Continue Reading

A Top-Performing Alternative

Link to actual article in Front Porch Written by: Melinda Pearson, Front PorchPublished: December 1st, 2016 The top-performing alternative high school in the Denver Public Schools (DPS) district this year is Denver Online High School, which serves a surprisingly diverse array of students.... Continue Reading

Denver Online Teacher Martha Wilcox Recognized for Living DPS Core Values

Martha Wilcox is technically a part-time teacher at Denver Online High School. But her commitment to students is certainly a full-time job. She was recently recognized by DPS at the Night of Honor for living out the core values of “Students First” and “Accountability.” We greatly value her at Denver Online and are proud of her continual efforts to ensure students have a successful start at Denver Online!... Continue Reading

Counselor and Teacher of the Year

When people envision an online school, many picture students alone, eyes glazed over sitting in front of a computer screen. But Denver Online High School has a far different vision for its students. Teachers and faculty work relentlessly to engage students,... Continue Reading

Teacher Appreciation 2016 Spotlight: Fighting Cancer While Teaching Online

Link to actual article. Written by: Ben McKee, DPSPublished: May 6, 2016 Sue Nelson’s love for teaching knows no bounds, and takes no time off – even when her family is on summer vacation. “The kids always hated summer break,... Continue Reading

North Denver Tribune: Northwest Principals Celebrate School Success

February 5, 2016By: Basha Cohen NORTH DENVER – The often-times contentious Northwest Stakeholder Working Group, a School Board appointed team of educators, parents and community members who sought solutions to the North Denver Middle School enrollment zone in Spring 2015,... Continue Reading

Denver Online receives $3,500 Groove Auto Drive for Education Grant

See post on Groove Mazda’s Facebook page. “We are proud to support the local community through our Drive for Education program. Earlier this month we presented The Denver Online School with $3,500 to help with the purchase of video equipment and software for the student film department.”... Continue Reading

9 News Story: Rancher takes advantage of online education

Story Credit: Nelson Garcia, 9 News DENVER – One of the people at the 109th annual National Western Stock Show is a Denver student who does not always spend a lot of time in Denver. “I was working on a ranch at the time that school started and I didn’t want to go back to public school,” Jacob Leyba,... Continue Reading

Colorado Music Buzz Magazine: Denver Online High School Student Walker Masuda Following Musical Path Through Adolescence

Link to article.Story credit: Tim Wenger, Colorado Music Buzz Magazine It takes a certain charm, on top of an unusual amount of talent, to create a young phenom. The kind that everyone from neighbors to schoolteachers to random faces in the crowd can’t help but open their heart to.... Continue Reading